
How to replace the default cover with my own for the output Android magazine app?

A:If you have tried to use Android magazine app maker, you would feel pleased for its cover design. But many people don’t know how to replace the default cove with their own. In fact, it is very easy just one step. But I have to say, for the reason making your book app outstanding, you should design a decent cover for it before converted to Android app. Aim at the issue of designing cover, you could seek help or do it yourself. In one word, firstly prepare a proper size image as the book cover.

Step1: Launch Android magazine app maker, click the top-left cover icon to select it to edit.
Step2: Move your mouse to the right place. Click the button of “Browse” to select the designed cover from your local disk.

Android magazine app maker enables you to change the book cover

You see it is easier than cover designing. To your surprised, you can view the preview effect right now on the middle mobile module. If feel unsatisfied, you can re-edit the cover image.

Free download Android book app maker to try

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